Artikel tagged “italians”

  • Italian Thai boxer tourist gets Phuket smack-down

    Italian Thai boxer tourist gets Phuket smack-down

    PHUKET: An Italian student of muay Thai learned the hard way last night that it’s unwise to mix beer and martial arts, ending up with 15 stitches to the eyebrow and a blow to his pride. According to a report in Siangtai Daily this morning, a group of three bald and heavily tattooed Italians were drinking in a bar on Soi Sea Dragon when the incident took place. Although it is generally not difficult for men to attract the attention of girls on Soi Sea Dragon, witnesses said one of the Italians decided to remove his shirt to impress the hostesses there with a view of his lean physique and dragon tattoo and exhibition of his mastery of muay Thai moves.