Artikel tagged “saman-kunan”

  • Ceremony held in Chiang Rai marking 100 days since the death of Saman Kunan

    PHOTO: Thai PBS A religious ceremony has been held at a temple and near the entrance to the Tham Luang cave in Chiang Rai to mark the 100 th  day of the death of Saman Kunan, a former Thai Navy SEAL member, who died trying to help save the trapped Mu Pa football team. The religious ceremony was organised by the Mae Sai district office, the Chiang Rai cultural office and the provincial office of social development.  The 13 Mu Pa team members and their parents were involved in yesterday’s ceremonies.

  • Chiang Rai: Mu Pa team pay tribute to Saman Kunan

    The Mu Pa Football players trapped in the Tham Luang Caves for almost three weeks paid tribute to the Navy SEAL who lost his life during the rescue operation. Wiping away tears, the boys wrote messages of thanks on a portrait of the former Navy SEAL Saman Kunan, who died July 6 during an operation to deliver oxygen tanks to the trapped teens and their coach. 38 year old Kunan ran out of air while underwater, an official said at the time.