Artikel tagged “sweden”

  • Fewer Nordic expats renewing their visas to stay in Thailand

    Fewer Nordic expats renewing their visas to stay in Thailand

    by Gregers Møller Website and writer  Gregers Møller reports that nordic expats – business people, on retirement or family-based Thai visas, renewing their visas this year – has dropped by around 10% this year. He reports “This is the first decline in 12 years.

  • Thailand drops in English proficiency levels

    English proficiency in Thailand is getting worse. The latest EF English Proficiency Index ranks Thailand in 64th place out of 88 countries, with an overall ranking of ‘low proficiency’. In 2017, Thailand ranked in 53rd place out of 80 countries and in 2011 Thailand was #42. The rating has been seesawing over the past six years but the trend has been towards less proficiency in English