Artikel tagged “Phuket News”

  • Songkran’s colour splash man arrested

    A construction worker, 29 year old Payak Samniangmai, who works in the nearby area where the cars were splashed with acrylic paint on April 13, has been arrested today (April 18). There were a total of 9 cars splattered with the hard-to-remove colour paint.

  • M comes to your Facebook Messenger

    “M” is Jame’s Bond’s boss. But starting today, M is also an AI smart assistant embedded in Facebook Messenger in Thailand

  • Krabi woman wins 1st prize in the lottery

    A 32 year old Krabi local, Pornpimon Ratniyom, has just won the first prize lottery in the first round since Thai New Year, receiving a prize of 18 million Baht. Pol Capt Niwat Timkate, from Krabi Police Station, revealed the winner yesterday afternoon (April 16). The Thai lottery is announced twice each month (the 1st and 16th of each month).

  • Will you be booking a flight with standing plane seats?

    Will you be booking a flight with standing plane seats?

    PHOTO: Aviointeriors They’ve threatened charging ‘fat’ people more for their aircraft seat, even smaller seats and zero-recline seats. Anything the bean-counters running the world’s airlines can do to increase their bottomline, whilst discomforting ours, it seems, they will try.

  • Governor follows up on bike accident that killed a Chinese tourist in Phuket

    A Chinese man, Li Jing, was killed in a road accident after a crash between his rented motorcycle and a car on Saturday, April 14 on the Kamala – Patong road.

  • Topless western dancer in Patong located by police

    Following the video of a western man dancing with only white boxers in Patong during Songkran day and let a ladyboy touching his crotch, police finally located him last night (April 15) and gave him warning for what appeared in the video.

  • Why does everything have to hep NOW?

    by Darren Scherbain My face instantly lit up when Kurt told me that there were more trees for me to chop in his garden. I’ll be over this afternoon I told him …. “Hold on”, he continued, “it’s not ready to be spilt yet.“ When did getting plugged in to EVERYTHING become the required speed at which we hustle through our day? Everything has to happen… NOW! Keeping up to speed with the THEM or THAT and so worried about falling behind can lead to more frustration and disconnection. Here are three lessons I have learned with spending some time with Kurt in his garden: 1) Patience You need to know when it’s time to harvest and when the wood is not ready to be split

  • Day Four – Road toll much higher than last year

    Day Four – Road toll much higher than last year

    Thailand’s Songran road death toll has reached 248, with 2,557 injured in 2,449 accidents during the first four days of the so-called seven dangerous Songkran days (Wednesday to Saturday).

  • HIV positive Australian begged Thai woman for sex with two year old granddaughter

    HIV positive Australian begged Thai woman for sex with two year old granddaughter

    Howard Hawke outside Bendigo Magistrates’ Court, Victoria.

  • National airports coping with the inbound and outbound crowds

    National airports coping with the inbound and outbound crowds

    PHOTO: National News Bureau The country’s second largest airport, Don Muang International, is reporting a smooth operation despite the high volume of passengers for the Songkran holiday, heading out and arriving, in Bangkok. Deputy Minister for Transport Pailin Chuchotetaworn has affirmed a full deck of immigration officials has been dispatched to the airport to facilitate outbound travelers. “Despite a large volume of people arriving at Don Muang Airport’s departure terminal, most have been met with prompt assistance and service from beefed up airline staff who recommend that those not in need of help checking their baggage use provided automatic check-in kiosks.” To address complaints over overpriced food, both Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi airports have provided passengers with pamphlets indicating where they can find differently priced foods.